Measurement of Solids

Valmet TS
Valmet Total Solid Transmitter (Valmet TS) is a new microwave technology in the wastewater industry that allows the measurement of total solids to be measured and controlled continuously, reliably and accurately to optimize process performance. The instrument measures the transit time of a microwave signal inside the process medium, allowing the solids content to be calculated accurately and reliably. Valmet TS is installed between two flanges directly on the pipe that transports the sludge and is connected via cable to the central unit, from which it is possible to set operating parameters (e.g. measuring range) and on which the solid content is displayed in real time .

Valmet DS
Valmet Dry Solids Measurement (Valmet DS) is a new microwave technology in the wastewater industry that allows the measurement of total solids to be measured and controlled continuously, reliably and accurately to optimize process performance. The instrument measures the transit time of a microwave signal inside the process medium allowing the solids content to be calculated accurately and reliably. Valmet DS allows precise measurement of dry mass exiting the centrifuge in order to reduce polymer dosage and reduce transport and incineration costs. Valmet DS technology picks up the sample directly from the flow after the centrifuge or screw press, before re-injecting the material being measured in the process.

Valmet LS
Valmet Low Solids Measurement (Valmet LS) uses optical technology to measure total solids in very small concentrations continuously, reliably and accurately. The system was mainly designed to monitor the quantity of suspended solids, at the exit of the centrifuge, in order to avoid polymer overdosing and to optimize the entire dehydration process.

Valmet SDO
Valmet SDO (Sludge Dewatering Optimizer) using a predictive control based on a multi-variable model, uses the measurements provided by the Valmet TS instruments (at the centrifuge inlet for the measurement of total solids in the sludge), Valmet DS (installed at the centrifuge outlet for measurement of dehydrated sludge) and Valmet LS (for monitoring suspended solids), to adjust polymer dosage and centrifuge torque.