Areation Systems

Model Q
Fine bubble diffusers model Q; Body: PVC; Membrane: PU; Connection: DA32 connection; Width: 0.18 m; Length: from 1 to 4m spaced 0.5m; Height: 5 cm; EU Membrane: 10-80 Nm3 / h / m2; LP Membrane: up to 120 Nm3 / h / m2

Model T
Model T; Body: AISI 316Ti; Membrane: PU; Connection: 1” gasm connection; Width: 0.18 m; Length: from 1 to 4m spaced 0.5m; Height: 2 cm; EU Membrane: 10-80 Nm3 / h / m2; LP Membrane: up to 120 Nm3 / h / m2

Model G
Groups of 3,4 or 5 model Q diffusers pre-assembled on “U” profiles in AISI 304. They allow to reach the bottom cover even over 50% of the available surface and simplify the installation.

Model E
Groups of 3,4 or 5 model T pre-assembled on “U” profiles in AISI 304. They allow to reach the bottom cover even over 50% of the available surface and simplify the installation.

Removable Systems
To avoid tank emptying during the control / maintenance operations, it is possible to install the diffusers (both Q and T models) on extractable structures made of AISI 304. In some cases it is also possible to insert them in a full tank during the first installation, in the most common cases, however, the first installation must take place with an empty tank.