Cleartec - Textile
The basic element of the Cleartec-Textile growth surfaces are polypropylene textile bands; this material allows high durability and resistance to chemical, biological and mechanical influences on the process. The bands are placed upon flexible textile elements that form the basis of a 96 cm wide network structure; on each network structure 16 bands (development zones) 2.5 cm wide are placed. Each band is a special interweaving of polypropylene threads; the result of this multitude of weaves is a large internal surface that is ideal fo microorganism adhesion.

Cleartec - BioCurlz
The basic element of the Cleartec-BioCurlz growth surfaces are polyvinylhydrocloride (69%) and polypropylene (31%) yarns, woven around a PP rail reinforced with stainless steel. The length of the elements depends on the application and reaches a maximum of 3.5m. Compared to the Cleartec-Textile system this solution offers a larger surface area than the occupied surface, allowing higher yield with the same volume occupied.